It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Techtivist Report: Beware the Spy in Spam
Pope Francis had barely donned his new white robes before cybercriminals were targeting his flock with spam emails and social media posts in a bid to suck money out of their bank accounts.
Revealed: Before War, CIA and MI6 Knew Iraq had No WMD
Fresh evidence aired on THE BBC reveals that the CIA and MI6 were told through secret channels by Saddam Hussein's foreign minister and his head of intelligence that Iraq had no active weapons of mass destruction.
Monsanto's Death Grip on Your Food
It increasingly appears that Monsanto is patenting death, perhaps even more so than life.
Genocide Trial Opens for Guatemala's Ex-Leader
The trial of General Efrain Rios Montt, 86, the former U.S.-backed de facto president of Guatemala, has begun, spotlighting the killing of 1,800 indigenous people during his country's civil war.
1 Million in Europe Sign for Water as a Public Service
"Water is a Human Right" has made history as being the first European Citizen Initiative to have collected over one million signatures.
Barack Romney: The Second-Term Scorecard So Far
If Mitt Romney had prevailed last November, would things really be that much worse than they already are? Since Obama's re-election 19 weeks ago, big banks, fossil fuels and drone warfare have been the favorites.
The Billionaire Tally: Europe's Filthy Rich Are Richer Than Ever
This year’s Forbes billionaires list shows a super elite in Europe getting richer while most citizens get poorer.
In Florida Fracking Sham, Legislature Pushes ALEC's Chemical Disclosure Bill
Florida may soon become the fourth state with a law on the books enforcing fracking chemical disclosure. But the law contains a "trade secrets" loophole pushed by ALEC and the Council of State Governments.
Dying Iraq War Vet’s Message to "War Criminals" Bush and Cheney
Tomas Young, paralyzed in a war he signed up for at age 22, writes of his fury at the "war criminals" who sent him there.
Coal Opponents Are Forging Cross-Border Ties
Plans to ramp up coal exports from Washington, Oregon and British Columbia are uniting opposition across the 49th Parallel.