The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
New Strikes In Athens Expose Syriza Government's Efforts to Stifle Resistance
The latest proposed austerity "reform," curtailing the ability of unions to strike, appears to have finally turned the broader Greek left against Syriza – a party once lauded for bringing the left back to the forefront of Greek politics.
What the Amazon-Berkshire-JPMorgan Plan Says About For-Profit Health Insurance
The three paragons of capitalist success have just made one of the strongest arguments yet in favor of single-payer healthcare.
Six Big Losers in Our "Booming" Economy
The people in power let the rich grow richer while the poor keep suffering.
DREAMers wrestle with being used as “hostages” in immigration debate
The status quo is unbearable. So is the guilt of selling other immigrants out.
A Look at Germany's Extremely Unequal Wealth Distribution
A new analysis by the German Institute for Economic Research shows that inequality here is even worse than initially thought, with the 45 richest German households owning as much wealth as the bottom half of the population.
Only 9% of Fortune 500 Companies Have Shared GOP Tax Cut Windfall With Workers
"Corporations should be honest with the public about where their fat tax cuts are going instead of doing Donald Trump's dirty work with marketing spin," said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness.
Blackwater and the Corporate Mercenaries Who've Changed the Rules of War
The UN asserts that mercenarism is against international humanitarian law, but this hardly seems to matter. By exploiting legal loopholes along with some creative lawyering, the modern mercenary now operates with impunity.
Richest 1% Captured 82% of Wealth Created Last Year – While Poorest Half of the World Got Nothing
A new Oxfam analysis shows that one new billionaire was created every other day in 2017.
A Powerful Economic Justice Movement Is Brewing, Even in This Dark Time
Today’s dire threats to our democracy did not arise out of nowhere.
Far-Right Reichsbürger Movement Aims To Delegitimize the German State
The extremist “Citizens of the Reich” is a cluster of German and Austrian fringe movements that refuse to recognize German borders after 1937, when Adolf Hitler secured territories that Germany had lost in World War I.