We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Europe Calls Into Question the Legality of Trump's Trade War
“These tariffs aren’t even legal under U.S. law, let alone World Trade Organization laws. It seems rather odd to be citing national security and targeting countries including your closest allies.”
ICE’s Military-Style Raid Leaves Immigrant Communities Terrorized
The size and brutality of this particular raid in Ohio, along with the use of military tactics, have shocked even the most seasoned immigrants’ rights activists.
Cutting Out Wall Street – And Putting the “Public” in Public Banking
Private interests’ influence over banking consumes, rather than sustains, the public good.
Separating Families at the Border Was Always Part of the Plan
A new report confirms that Trump and his advisers had been considering the brutal policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the border for as long as they’ve been in power.
Dear Democratic Party: It's Time to Stop Rigging the Primaries
If Democrats want any hope of voting Trump out, they must fix the broken primary system before the next election.
Another Bad Idea: Regulators Chip Away at the Volcker Rule
By revising the Volcker Rule, a centerpiece of the 2010 Dodd-Frank act, the feds are pushing financial regulation in a direction that should worry everyone.
Why People Keep Getting Arrested at the California State Capitol
On Monday, the California Poor People's Campaign, calling for affordable housing and other policies to address poverty, interrupted the state Senate and forced legislators to halt the floor session.
The Supreme Court Just Cleared the Way for the Mass Disenfranchisement of Voters
Large numbers of voters—largely low income and minorities—could be blocked from casting ballots in November if they haven't participated in recent elections.
Great Britain Has 9 out of 10 of the Poorest Regions in Northern Europe
Shortly after the U.K. fell from being the world's fifth biggest economy, a new report shows that Britain is, in no unvarnished terms, infested with poverty.
For Net Neutrality Defenders, It's the Beginning of "Most Important Battle Yet"
"Any lawmaker, of any party, that fails to sign the discharge petition in support of the CRA will regret it come election time."