It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
‘And Still We Rise’: Palestinian Soccer Stands Tall
“It’s like those words of your poet who just died, Maya Angelou, her words that we see written on the walls that surround us: ‘And still we rise.’”
Corporations Are Not People. Period.
80% of the American public believes corporations should not have the same rights as people. Yet our community is one of thousands that has been slapped down in the name of “corporate personhood.”
CEO's Made 331 Times As Much as Their Workers Last Year
In 2013, CEOs of S&P 500 companies made 331 times as much as their employees.
Texas Fracking Verdict Puts Oil and Gas Industry On Notice About Toxic Emissions
Between February 2010 and July 2011, Lisa and Bob Parr filed 13 complaints about air pollution from gas and oil operations near their ranch in Wise County, Texas.
Collaborative Consumption: Berlin's Leila Project Adds New Facet to the Share Economy
By lending out everyday household items which are provided by donation, Leila's free exchange benefits its members while fighting an over-consumption lifestyle – getting us to stop buying everything new.
It's Three Times Cheaper to Give Housing to the Homeless Than to Keep Them on the Streets
The best way to deal with homelessness is to give homeless people homes to live in.
Will New Federal Law Lead to Privatization of U.S. City Water Systems?
Much of America’s drinking water and wastewater infrastructure needs attention, but critics worry that a new funding bill could be a pipeline to government-subsidized privatization.
Protests Threaten to Paralyze Brazil Ahead of World Cup
As the FIFA World Cup approaches, the streets of Brazil are heating up with strikes and demonstrations, and there are worries that the social unrest could escalate into a wave of protests similar to the ones that shook the country in June 2013.
Gezi Movement Erupts on Anniversary As Turkish Leader Lashes Out With Force
Turkey’s strongman prime minister has mobilized the power of the state to head off another popular uprising against rising authoritarian rule.
Post-Occupied: Where Are We Now?
Occupy did not happen in a vacuum, and any attempt to analyze it in one will fail. What happens next depends on how prepared people are to choose a direction, and how ready they are to push.