It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Drought Dystopia: Are We Seeing the Prelude to the California Water Wars?
California is the only U.S. state that doesn't monitor groundwater thanks to the political clout wielded by corporate farming – but that may be changing as the drought creates sharp new divisions.
The People's Platform: Rise of the Digital Proletariat
Astra Taylor reminds us that the Internet cannot magically produce revolution.
Spanish Citizens Are Now Funding Their Own Solar Power Cooperatives
We have to change the 20th century paradigm, where energy equals fossil fuels, and citizens are seen as mere consumers.
Abrupt Shift Coming: Warnings Along FCC’s Fast Lane
Message to Government from tech companies Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo et al: You are about to break the Internet and you will be deeply sorry if you do.
Mexico's Exiled Mining Union Leader Describes Unlawful Industry That Claims Lives
After the Pasta de Conchos mine collapse in 2006, which killed 65 miners, Grupo México and the Mexican government shutdown rescue operations, many feel, to avoid revealing the cause of the disaster.
Of Course The U.S. Is An Oligarchy — Because We Keep Electing The Rich
For the last seven years, I’ve been studying the startling economic gulf between ordinary Americans and the people who represent them in the halls of power.
Fast Food Strikes and Protests to Hit 150 U.S. Cities And 30 Countries on May 15
The global walkout seeks to mobilize thousands of American low-wage workers, and their counterparts from Auckland to Karachi.
Pope Renews Call for Wealth Redistribution As U.S. Religious Progressives Gain Ground
Pope Francis on Friday cited the Bible in his call for a “legitimate redistribution of economic benefits,” while social scientists see a growing U.S. religious movement for social justice.
What Does Climate Change Look Like? Farmers Are Living It
The new "normal" of climate change calls for us to redouble our efforts to build healthy soil, as more frequent and severe weather challenges confronting farmers are on the way.
How the International Monetary Conference Helped Fuel the 1980s Debt Crisis
Two years before the 1982 debt crisis erupted, the world’s top bankers met secretly in New Orleans and warned that a “safety net” may be needed to bail out the major banks which lent money to the developing world.