It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Remembering Anthony Atkinson, Godfather of Research into Income and Wealth Distribution
With a new Congress and White House committed to wealth’s concentration, we’ll sorely miss the scholar who dedicated his life to documenting wealth’s maldistribution.
Nicaragua Joins Clean Energy Revolution, Vows 90% Renewables by 2020
In 2012, Nicaragua invested the fifth highest percentage worldwide of its GDP in developing renewable energy, and now it is reaping the benefits.
Train Wreck In Slow Motion: Here's What Really Happened To Greece's Healthcare System
Due to imposed austerity cuts, 850 medical clinics have closed, 10,000 beds have been shut down and 30,000 healthcare professionals were removed from frontline positions – while those who remained saw wages cut by 50 percent.
Zapatistas and Indigenous Mexicans Create Parallel Government for Indigenous Autonomy
“This council proposes to govern this country,” the Zapatista Army of National Liberation said.
Bayou Bridge Resistance: The Pipeline Fight Heads South
Opponents of a proposed pipeline through Louisiana’s fragile Atchafalaya Basin have vowed to halt its construction, starting with a vocal protest at a Jan. 12 public meeting being attended by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Baton Rouge.
College Students Plan Nationwide Walkouts to Protest Donald Trump's Inauguration
The protests against Donald Trump on his Inauguration Day could stand out as one of the largest counter-inaugural protests in U.S. history – and organizers insist this is only the beginning of a broader resistance movement.
Declared "Heroes," Montrose 9 Sentenced for Blocking Spectra Pipeline Construction
The defendants' argument hinges on the interpretation of “imminent danger” – in this case, proving that the pipeline construction blockade was necessary to prevent a disaster far more harmful to the public's interest than lost corporate profit.
Michael Moore urges Trump critics to participate in ‘100 Days of resistance’
“It’s important that everybody go there. This will have an effect.” -Michael Moore
Ungovernable: January 20, 2017 — the Resistance Begins
We pledge to create a resistance movement that makes Trump unable to govern our oppression; unable to deceive the people, to make the people accept his reign of hatred.
12 Major Reasons Why Americans Became Poor
Multiple developments contributed in recent decades to the decline of prosperity – much of it due to deliberate but gradual social and financial engineering.