The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Nationwide Protests on November 4th: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go
History has shown that fascism must be stopped before it becomes too late. On November 4, people will be taking to the streets in cities and towns across the country to demand an end to the Trump presidency.
Journalists Who Want Online Privacy Need To Read This Guide
It is imperative that journalists protect themselves as they continue to pursue their important work in the face of growing government control. The Online Privacy for Journalists guide helps them do just that.
"New Gilded Age" Reaches New Heights With World's Billionaires Owning Staggering $6 Trillion
In a new study, the Swiss financial firm UBS found that the wealth of the world's billionaires grew by 17 percent in 2016, bringing their combined fortune to more than double the GDP of the United Kingdom.
Too Poor to Vote: How Alabama's "New Poll Tax" Bars Thousands of People From Voting
In Alabama and eight other states from Nevada to Tennessee, anyone who has lost the right to vote cannot regain it until they pay off any outstanding court fines, legal fees and victim restitution.
America’s Secretive Private Prison Industry Is About to Become Much Less Secret
Dilley, a remote Texas town of 4,000 people, has enjoyed a booming local economy thanks to its most controversial feature: its private prison.
Global Atmospheric CO2 Levels Hit Record High
The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased at record speed last year to hit a level not seen for more than three million years, the UN has warned.
The Fight to Keep Arctic Oil In the Ground Heats Up In Norway, Part III
Earlier this summer, Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise ship entered the exclusion zone around the Statoil rig Songa Enabler, as activists from across the world took to inflatables and kayaks in protest against Norway's plans to pump oil to Hammerfest.
An Independent Thinker’s Guide to the Tax Debate
For 40 years, tax cutters in Congress have told us, “we have a tax cut for you.” In exchange, we’ve gotten staggering inequality, collapsing public infrastructure, a fraying safety net, and exploding deficits – as the richest tenth of 1% get richer.
Dependent on Denial – How the U.S. Fossil Fuel Industry Depends on Subsidies and Climate Denial
A recent report reveals that U.S. taxpayers continue to foot the bill for more than $20 billion in fossil fuel subsidies each year.
Why A Brexit "No Deal" Will Hit Poorest U.K. Households the Hardest
Leaving the E.U. without any trade deal would result in a sharp rise in the price of food, clothing and other basic goods, dealing a particular blow to those financially struggling families whom the prime minister said are "just about managing."