This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
28th Amendment
Act Out! [111] - How & Why the UN Fails + A Very Unhappy Birthday to Corporate Personhood
Given its backwards position on women's rights, it seems ludicrous that Saudi Arabia would get a seat on a UN Council tasked with upholding and forwarding women’s rights around the globe. But that is precisely what happened.
Act Out! [65] - The Mysterious Presidential Frontrunner & an American Promise Unfulfilled
As the nonstop election coverage continues, the biggest player in the game has yet to get any airtime at all.
Act Out! [53] - Pave the Grand Canyon, Monsanto's clean slate & Activists In City Hall
Monsanto is poisoning people, but that's nothing new. And after four decades, one measly clause in a house bill could wipe their legal slate clean. Next, Daniel Lee has occupied the streets, and now he's fighting for a city council seat.
Rolling this Rebellion Forward – And Ending the Influence of Money In Politics
One week and nearly 20 actions later, the Rolling Rebellion to get corporate money out of the political process was a successful jump-off point for bigger, better, brighter and louder actions soon to come.
The 28th Amendment: Separating Corporation and State
Educating the public about the corporate corruption of democracy will lead to reform, and reform will undermine the ability of corporations to corrupt the democratic process.
People vs. Corporations: A Constitutional Amendment is on the Move
Move to Amend is one of the powerful groups helping lead a national movement to establish a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, aiming to end unlimited corporate spending on elections.