It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Here’s Why Americans Are Mad as Hell at Wall Street and Washington
Tens of millions of Americans clearly understand that an entrenched system of corruption such as Wall Street, perpetuated through a revolving door with Washington, will leave the nation’s economy in tatters again.
Let's Get This Straight: AIG Execs Got Bailout Bonuses But Pensioners Get Cuts
In contrast to top AIG executives who helped bankrupt their company and sink the economy, no one has accused city workers in Chicago or Detroit of doing anything wrong. They did their jobs — so why are they the ones facing pension cuts?
Global Power Project: The Group of Thirty and the "Good Discussion" They're Still Having
Emerging from the Rockefeller Foundation in the late 1970s, the Group of Thirty was designed as a think tank, lobby/industry group and, ultimately, a consensus-building institution for the global elites – to ensure that they stayed that way.
Armageddon On Wall Street: The Looming Mass Destruction from Derivatives
The shadow banking system is propped up by a hidden government guarantee known as safe harbor status, pushed through by Wall Street, which has created perverse incentives for the financial system to self-destruct.
Federal Government Sues Bank of America Over $850 Million Investor Fraud
The U.S. is suing the Bank of America for investor fraud over the sale of $850 million worth of residential mortgage-backed securities.
The Question of Socialism is About to Open Up in These United States
With Americans' interest in socialism rising, we need to seriously consider alternative designs to the current system.
Don’t Blink, or You’ll Miss Another Bailout
A deal involving Bank of America that came to light recently shows how bank bailouts have continued, even if in a much quieter form than in the depths of the financial crisis.
AIG and Ethics: The Corporatization of Public Higher Education
Like the insurance giant AIG, which has just funded a new Ethics Center at Sonoma State University, big corporations are pumping ill-earned money into public education across the U.S., threatening academic freedom and free speech.
AIG Investors Break the World Record for Arrogance
The shareholders of AIG, the giant insurance company the Federal Reserve bailed out with $180 billion, are considering suing the federal government for rescuing their company from collapse.