It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Center for Constitutional Rights
Louisiana and Minnesota Introduce Anti-Protest Bills Amid Fights Over Bayou Bridge and Enbridge Pipelines
The Louisiana House of Representatives has introduced new legislation aimed at criminalizing the activities of groups protesting the extraction, burning, and transport of oil and gas.
America’s Secretive Private Prison Industry Is About to Become Much Less Secret
Dilley, a remote Texas town of 4,000 people, has enjoyed a booming local economy thanks to its most controversial feature: its private prison.
In Trump’s America, Black Lives Matter Activists Grow Wary of Their Smartphones
The perception among political activists that they are unfairly targeted has fueled a new wave of technical training intended to blunt what they consider government overreach that threatens their constitutional rights to free expression.
A Crackdown On Our Right to Stand Up
Republican-led legislatures are trying to push through laws to criminalize dissent in the hopes of stopping the growing fight against the right.
#BlackLivesMatter - Lessons from a Leaderful Movement
In the wake of Ferguson and New York City protests, black organizers heard the call, saw the possibilities, stepped into capacity gaps, and organized their communities and allies to meet the moment.
FBI Used No-Fly List to Bully Muslims Into Becoming Informers
Naveed Shinwari hasn’t seen his wife in 26 months. He suspects it’s because he refused to become an informant for the FBI.
1st Amendment On Trial As Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Is Challenged in Boston
The five animal rights activists represented in the lawsuit say their right to free speech is being chilled by the law.
U.S. Officials Will No Longer Provide Information on Guantanamo Hunger Strikers
A spokesman for the U.S. military announced that the authorities will no longer provide public information on how many prisoners at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba are participating in hunger strikes to protest their indefinite detention.
Manning Verdict Risks Freedom of the Press If the People Do Not Act
For a whistleblower who exposed war crimes and unethical government behavior to face a lengthy prison term while the people exposed are not even investigated shows how confused the United States has become.
The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act: Rebranding Constitutionally Protected Behavior as Terrorism
By rebranding activism as terrorism, corporate interests have made it far too easy for some of our bravest activists to be locked away for years.