It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
The Real Cyber Bullies: How Big Business Is Helping Expand NSA Surveillance
The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, which President Obama could sign this month, represents a major new privacy threat to individuals as it enables corporations to feed massive amounts of communications to businesses and state.
Million Mask March On November 5 Calls for Free Internet, End to Surveillance
The Internet is one of the last free vessels we the citizens have access to. We've stood against SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, ACTA and the TPP – and we'll continue to stand as one against Internet censorship.
Anonymous Threatens #OpCisa Disruption If Lawmakers Pursue Cybersecurity Bill
Like the civil liberties-thwarting CISPA bill, the new Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act would allow the federal government to share information perceived as “cyber threats” with private companies.
From Italy to Iceland, the Promise of Digital Direct Democracy
Movement power — and parliamentary political power — is building across Europe as people harness online organizing tools.
The CISPA Assault: Threatening Americans' Internet Privacy and Basic Rights
The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) has passed in the House with amendments. It carves a loophole in all known privacy laws and grants legal immunity for companies to share your private information.
Internet Rights — and America's Lack Therof
Internet freedom is an illusion in the U.S.
CISPA 2.0: Say Goodbye to Our Constitutional Rights
The new CISPA bill opens the floodgates for an unprecedented and endless funneling of private communication information to federal military intelligence agencies such as the NSA and the FBI.
5 More Years of Warrantless Wiretapping from the U.S. Government
Welcome to 2013: Congress has pushed through a reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, extending the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program for another five years.
Our Government, the Keyboard Cops
If CISPA enters into U.S. law alongside the recently enacted National Defense Authorization Act – which gives the government the power to detain any American for anything forever – fundamental civil liberties will be threatened in a way that no democracy can tolerate.