It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Citizens United
Workers Strike Back: 2019 Sees The Return of Labor Activism
Today's explosion in worker actions reveals a broad opposition to neoliberalism that is more like a crowd-sourced and coordinated dance than a disciplined march. And it shows no signs of slowing down.
Field Notes: Why Pete Buttigieg May Be the Future of Progressivism
The 37-year-old Democratic mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is a graduate of Harvard, a Rhodes Scholar, a former Naval Intelligence officer and the first openly gay person to seek a major party’s presidential nomination.
Changing the Constitution Can't Be the Strategy—Yet
Yes, progressives should try to change the “rules of the game.” But such change is properly seen as a way to consolidate political power that has already been won.
Brett Kavanaugh Could Bring An Avalanche of Big Money to Elections
Kavanaugh’s appellate court decisions and public comments suggest he will accelerate the trend toward a political system dominated by wealthy elites – often operating in the shadows, without any form of disclosure.
You Get What You Pay For: If Money Is Speech, Can Democracy Work?
Like many laws that bend public policy toward private advantage, campaign finance laws tilt the political playing field toward outcomes that are undemocratic – a self-reinforcing cycle of economic inequality begetting political inequality begetting economic inequality.
Act Out! [111] - How & Why the UN Fails + A Very Unhappy Birthday to Corporate Personhood
Given its backwards position on women's rights, it seems ludicrous that Saudi Arabia would get a seat on a UN Council tasked with upholding and forwarding women’s rights around the globe. But that is precisely what happened.
Dysfunction and Deadlock at the Federal Election Commission
A 2015 Bloomberg poll found that at least 87 percent of Americans favored changes to campaign finance laws so that wealth does not dictate political influence – yet our FCC continues to betray the American public and jeopardize our democracy.
As Trump Comes Into Focus, So Do Our Tasks
The potential for people working together in solidarity will grow and the long-term impact of the Trump era could be a mass movement that will change the political culture in the United States.
Donald Trump’s White House Counsel Is Proud “Architect” of America’s Corrupt Big Money Politics
Don McGahn, soon to be Donald Trump’s White House counsel, bears as much responsibility as any single person for turning America’s campaign finance system into something akin to a gigantic, clogged septic tank.
#Realtalk Democracy Hip Hop Video: Money In Politics & Political Revolution
The new #Realtalk Democracy hip hop video explores the relationship between money in politics, corporate lobbyists and the need for a political revolution.