This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
Citizens United
North Carolina's Newest U.S. Senator Accused of Cyberbullying
Raleigh resident Bibi Bowman says the fact that a police officer called her and told her to take down a Facebook post is an invasion of her privacy and a thinly-veiled attempt to intimidate her into silence.
Money Owns Politics As $3.6 Billion In Election Spending Shatters Records
The vast sums of cash raised by independent groups reordered the political landscape this fall as new levels of collaboration eroded barriers between those running for office and their big-money allies.
12 Wisconsin Cities to Vote: End Corporate Personhood, Overturn Citizens United?
Across the state, residents will cast ballots Tuesday on whether to amend the U.S. Constitution to overturn Citizens United, end corporate personhood and get big money out of politics.
Money In Politics: Dark Money Spending in Key Senate Races Shattering Records
Outside spending "giving wealthy spenders more power than ever to buy influence over our political process and elected officials," says report.
Then They Fight You: Plutocrats on the Defensive Against Social Justice Movements
Wealthy people are often so isolated from the rest of us, many of them have forgotten how rich they really are.
Arrested for Democracy: Inside 99Rise's Latest Civil Disobedience to Get Money Out
“We wanted to take action to dramatize the betrayal of the American people and show that we will resist and attempt to disrupt or at least expose pro-corruption politicians' ability to raise big money.”
Chevron, With $3 Million and False "News" Site, Tries To Buy Richmond Elections
The oil giant, with $21.4 billion in 2013 revenue, is trying to buy upcoming municipal elections in Richmond that pit a pro-Chevron bloc of city council members against an anti-Chevron bloc.
Money Driving Politics: $430 Million Spent on Ad Wars In State Elections
More cash has gone to governors' races in Florida, Illinois and Pennsylvania than any U.S. Senate race – while Texas’s lieutenant governor and AG top state-level funding.
Money or Voters: Senate Weighs "Democracy for All Amendment" To Overturn Citizens United
Senate Joint Resolution 19 calls for a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court Decision that opened the floodgates for corporate spending to influence political elections.
Voice, Vigor, Vote: Retaking People's Democracy From Monied Interests
Grassroots organizations that once made American democracy strong plummeted in the Reagan era – when political parties stopped representing the views of constituents and turned instead to money.