The way the urban commons create a space to solve material problems and enable social movements to forge city-wide networks are antidotes to people being attracted towards the far-right.
climate impacts
'Brutal News': Global Carbon Emissions Jump to All-Time High in 2018
According to a new Global Carbon Project report, emissions are heading in the opposite direction to the deep cuts that are urgently needed to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.
"One of Most Disturbing Articles I Have Ever Read" Scientist Says of Study Detailing Climate-Driven "Bugpocalypse"
The human-caused climate crisis has sparked a global "bugpocalypse" that will only continue to accelerate in the absence of systemic action to curb planetary warming.
Victims of Hurricane Michael Voted for Climate Deniers
Elections have consequences. Denying science has consequences. And we are reaping what we sow.
Climate Change Will Cost U.S. More in Economic Damage Than Any Other Country But One
The first country-by-country estimates of the social cost of carbon show who will pay more than their share, and which big emitters face the least economic impact.
The First Signs of a Global Climate Change Immigration Crisis Are Here
The Mekong Delta region is the canary in the coalmine – one of the first places in the world to feel the real and lasting effects of climate change, and a grim indication of what's to come.
Warning of "Ecological Armageddon" After Dramatic Plunge in Insect Numbers
The abundance of flying insects has plunged by three-quarters over the past 25 years, according to a new study that has shocked scientists, with profound impacts on human society.
Activists Demand Climate Refugees Be Recognized
A 2015 tidal surge caused the sea to flood across the islands of Kiribati, the small Pacific island nation chain of atolls that could be the first national homeland lost completely to climate change.
Donald Trump Confirms U.S. Will Quit Paris Climate Agreement
The world’s second largest greenhouse gas emitter will remove itself from the historic global treaty as Trump claims accord "will harm" American jobs.
Greenland Naked: Ripples Elsewhere from Earth’s Biggest Island
Greenland isn’t going to reverse what our carbon burning world has set in motion. Nor should it be blamed for the impact its nakedness will bring to the collective future.
Greenland Naked: Earth's Biggest Island Gives the Extraction Industry a Hard On
Climate change has Greenland in its grip like no other nation – and the relationship between the planet as a whole, and a single country, is unique in the annals of civilization’s history.