It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
European Central Bank
Did Brexit Just Open the Floodgates for A New Era of Direct Democracy?
I must congratulate the U.K. citizens for voting to leave the undemocratic, unaccountable, bureaucratic and failed experiment that is the European Union. And no, I am not an anti-immigrant racist.
Crisis As Opportunity: What is Germany’s Plan for Europe?
This is not merely a crisis of Greece, or a crisis of debt — it's a crisis in the structure of the eurozone itself, where national governments can't implement monetary policy to support their fiscal policies.
More Than 20,000 Take the Streets, 350 Arrested As Blockupy Protests Erupt In Frankfurt
Tens of thousands of anti-austerity activists from 39 European countries have rallied in Frankfurt in protest against the European Central Bank, which opened its new headquarters in the German financial city.
The Noose Around Greece: How Central Banks Harness Governments
To buy Greece's bonds as collateral, the European Central Bank is first asking the country to sell off its public assets, slash salaries and pensions, drastically increase taxes and dismantle its social services – all to save the banking system.
Greek Finance Minister: "If I Weren’t Scared, I’d Be Awfully Dangerous"
Is Yanis Varoufakis, the academic turned neophyte politician, entirely comfortable with his new star status?
Greek Voters Look to Syriza Party to End Austerity and Reclaim Economic Sovereignty
The left-populist party headed by Alexis Tsipras is positioned to win Greece’s elections Sunday on a progressive platform to reverse austerity cuts imposed on the country over the past half decade.
E.U. Showdown As Greece Takes on the Vampire Squid
The question is not why the Greek people are rising up to reject barbarous austerity measures – but what took them so long.
Wrestling the Vampire Squid: Why Goldman Sachs Still Rules the World
Goldman is part of the political elite, protected by the political system and media.
Global Power Project: The Group of Thirty, Architects of Austerity
From Jean-Claude Trichet and Mario Draghi to Jaime Caruana and Kenneth Rogoff, proponents of austerity politics run in some of the world's elite circles where they have pushed illogical and unsuccessful economics to its inevitable conclusion.
Young Europeans Against Austerity Launch "Troika Party" to Run in 2014
“This type of campaigning will play a key role in bringing political messages to sectors of the population that are not yet politicized," says Spain's Emma Avilés, "contributing to the multi-level European struggle against the E.U. crisis regime.”