It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
fracking moratorium
Colorado Supreme Court Blocks Local Bans on Fracking, Handing Gift to Big Oil
The state's highest court on Monday halted cities' efforts to limit oil and gas development near people, ruling state power to promote industry trumps local bans, which the court deemed "invalid and unenforceable."
The Frack Rebellion Is Now: Breaking the Law In Order To Uphold It
These activists are waging a war against a corporate state that is deaf and blind to the rights of its citizens and the imperative to protect the ecosystem – and they're being monitored, demonized and criminalized in the process.
Obama Administration Issues New Fracking Rules to Mixed Response
The Obama administration on Friday made its most significant move yet toward regulating hydraulic fracturing, forcing companies to disclose which chemicals they're injecting into the ground and enabling government inspection of drill sites.
"Don’t Frack Denver" Coalition Urges Mayor and City Council to Enact Immediate Moratorium
We need to put a moratorium on fracking in Denver to make sure that my family and thousands of others like mine don’t live in fear for our health, safety and property.
Thousands of Californians March In Largest Ever Anti-Frack Protest, Calling For Statewide Ban
Californians marched Saturday through downtown Oakland calling on Gov. Jerry Brown to fulfill his promise as a climate leader by enacting an all-out ban on fracking in the state.
New York Bans Fracking In Landmark Decision
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his cabinet agreed Wednesday to prohibit the widely used gas-drilling technique in the state, citing health issues and dubious economic benefits.
UK's Chief Scientist Compares Fracking Risks to Thalidomide, Asbestos, Lead and Tobacco
Historic innovations that have been adopted too hastily with grave unforeseen impacts provide cautionary examples for the potential side effects of fracking.
Voters Ban Fracking from Ohio to California to Texas
Residents overwhelmingly asserted their rights to clean air, water and local self-governance by banning fracking and frack wastewater injection wells in two U.S. cities and one county.
Exposed: Britain's “Any Substance” Law Bars Landowners From Opposing Fracking
The nationwide proposal will make it legal for fracking companies to drill 300 meters beneath private land without requiring the permission of landowners.
In Breakthrough Decision, New York Court Rules That Towns Can Ban Fracking
The precedent-setting ruling Monday enables the towns of Dryden and Middlefield to use local zoning laws to outlaw oil and gas drilling within municipal borders.