There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Republicans are Following a Key Part of Hitler's Playbook: Lying Your Way into Power
What remains unknown is whether post-truth Republicans will succeed in 2024 as the Nazis did in 1933.
The Threat of Republican Fascism, Part IV: Terrorizing the Trans Community
The reason the Republican Party’s embrace of anti-transgender politics reeks of fascism is because it follows the Nazi playbook almost to the letter.
Robert Reich: Message to Millennials
Robert Reich explains why it is so important for young people to vote in the midterm elections.
Make America Grate Again: Why The Trump Tax Cuts Are Bad for Democracy
What they really do is inflate the national debt while concentrating wealth and political power into fewer and fewer hands.
GOP Tax Cuts Won’t Increase Jobs in States Where Many Lack Advanced Education
The new tax law uses trickle-down economics as the basis for its tax code, the logic being: less taxes equals more money for wealthy individuals and companies that will invest in more jobs, capital improvements and wages.
Can California Achieve Universal Health Care in the Age of Trump?
The country’s biggest state has a very interesting idea...
Nationwide Protests Continue, Now Targeting Lawmakers
The post-inauguration wave of protests is continuing and morphing.
The Liberal Narrative Is Broken, and Only Populism Can Fix It
The left dare not answer conservatives by simply saying government is good. Instead, it must make special interests a rallying cry.
Student Loan Interest Rates Set to Double in July, Even As Debt Soars
Student loan interest rates, which have not been changed since they were set in 2001, are scheduled to double on July 1, from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent -- allowing the government to cash in on record interest payments.
The Implosion of the GOP and the Rise of Third Parties
It’s time for fresh faces and fresh ideas in the stuffy chambers of Congress, and this decade will mark the rise of third parties to hold true political power at the highest levels of government.