It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Green Party
Green Party Surges In Britain, Winning Hundreds of Seats Amid Climate Protests
The Tories and Labour lost badly in recent local elections as the Green Party gained 265 seats to emerge as one of the biggest winners – reflecting people's growing priority to save the planet.
Act Out! [86] - Support Troops not Veterans, Blue is Blood Red, Going Green & Appease Me
You may have heard thousands of veterans got hosed by the military industrial complex — well, here are the details.
Act Out! [77] - The Real Election Spoilers & We Pledge Allegiance to Knowledge
This week we've got a bit of a spoiler alert for you when it comes to third-party spoilers – plus, how the quest for knowledge and the weaving of words are building community, self-respect, and power in Detroit.
After Philadelphia, Progressives Push For Radical Systemic Change
Here is the problem: While millions will vote for Hillary Clinton in order to “stop” Donald Trump, Clintonism won’t defeat Trumpism.
Act Out! [74] - #DNCinPHL: The Story from the Streets
This week, it's all about the DNC – from the streets. We're bringing you marches, rallies and speeches – interviews with activists, Bernie supporters and non-affiliated protesters. From Philly, from our streets, this is Act Out!
Neoliberalism Almost Killed Baltimore. These Candidates Want to Rebuild Their City
This November, far below the tragicomic rhetoric of third parties and presidential elections, neighborhoods in Baltimore will decide whether to again entrust their future to big business-oriented Democrats, or take a chance on radical economic democracy.
Portraits of Protesters At the DNC – With No Votes for Hillary
Bernie Sanders supporters traveled to Philadelphia from every corner of the country this week to show their enduring support for his candidacy.
Welcome to 1984
1984 America is about—unless we act quickly—to get ugly. It's in a moment of history that Antonio Gramsci called the “interregnum”: the period when a discredited regime is collapsing but a new one has yet to take its place.
Cracks In Capitalism’s Core, Part I: Scottish Radicals
Parties like RISE, the Greens, and sections of the Scottish National Party are not only setting out new ideas – they are actively involved in movements fighting for change on the street, and at the ballot box.
Jasiri X Talks Black Lives Matter and the 2016 Presidential Race
Hip hop artist and social justice activist Jasiri X joins me to discuss Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and who should get the black vote in 2016.