The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Green Party
Act Out! [52] - Chris Hedges, Jill Stein, Peter Joseph, Shamell Bell & more Acting Out!
This week it’s our anniversary, and we’re celebrating with a look back and an inspiring look forward: We’re raising our firsts, our voices, and indeed, a glass in the name of creative activism and the continued fight for freedom and justice.
Acronym TV [53] Obama’s Siren Song, Jill Stein on Bernie + Medea Benjamin on Obama
This week on the show, we evaluate Obama's siren song and visit the Yes! Men in Europe.
Acronym TV [46] - Tarantino Doubles Down, Sawant Re-Elected, Reclaiming Armistice Day
Quentin Tarantino doubles down on his statements at an anti-policy brutality rally, calling out White Supremacy and Police Brutality + an interview with the organizer of the Rise Up October protests, Carl Dix.
Act Out! [29] - Occupy the Senate, TPP free zones & our plastic lives
This week, Margaret Flowers thinks it's about fucking time we got some more activists into the halls of the mighty – from occupying the streets to occupying Congress.
Green Party Resurgence In UK Fueled By Smart Policies to Address Housing and Unemployment
As the Green Party sees a huge surge in popularity in the run-up to Britain's General Election in May, its leaders are proposing an alternative policy to unemployment that would make sure nobody lives in fear of losing their home.
My Party Has Lost Its Soul: Former Clinton Aide Laments Victory for Wall Street Democrats
We yearn for a new politics but worry that our democracy, like that Antarctic ice shelf, has reached its tipping point.
Shutdown Paralyzes Crucial U.S. Safety Regulators: Nuclear, Food, Disease Control
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will run out of funds on Thursday, putting thousands out of work. In the second week of the government shutdown, public employee furloughs are emptying nuclear, food and workplace safety agencies.
Introducing the Green Shadow Cabinet
The Cabinet will serve as an independent voice in U.S. politics, putting the needs of people and protection of the planet ahead of profits for big corporations.
Green Presidential Candidate Arrested while Protesting Foreclosures
Jill Stein, the Green Party's 2012 presidential candidate, was charged with "defiant trespassing" for taking part in a bank sit-in to protest illegal foreclosures.