It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
methane emissions
Combat Climate Change? There’s an App for That
Now there’s an app for monitoring the carbon footprint of our food choices, and the Melbourne-based climate action group Less Meat Less Heat will have you craning your neck to see what’s on other people’s plates.
Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry
Our leaders thought fracking would save our climate. They were wrong. Very wrong.
U.S. and Canada Promise to Lead World To Low-Carbon Economy
The shared vision unveiled by Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau on Thursday commits the two countries to promote North American carbon markets, widely cap oil and gas well emissions, and protect at-risk indigenous communities.
Air Regulator Sues California Utility Over Historic Methane Leak That Poisoned Community
The stench of odorized methane fumes has sickened scores of people since the leak began on Oct. 23 and has forced SoCalGas to move residents from more than 7,700 homes in northern L.A. at the edge of the leaking gas storage field.
Act Out! [46] - Some Facts Over Fiction, A Presidential Obsession & Less Meat 4 the Planet
This week, politicians lie – and we're buying it? Let's do some fact checking and lie wrecking post-State of the Union and mid-presidential primary madness.
COP21 Dispatch: Can Cows Save the Planet?
The relatively simple shift to holistic grazing has sanity and simplicity behind it – now, many want to see if carbon-smart farming can make soil sexy.
From Colorado to Texas to Ohio, Oil Industry Retaliates Against Local Fracking Bans
Longmont, Colo., has become a cautionary tale of what can happen when cities decide to confront the oil and gas industry – which claims it has a right to extract underground minerals despite voter-approved drilling bans.
Anti-Fracking Protests Go Global As Europeans Refuse Corporate Trade Pact
Thousands marched in dozens of countries last weekend to reject fracking while more than 1,000 actions occurred across Europe in opposition to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Cuomo Administration Edited and Delayed Fracking Study
The report, commissioned by New York state in 2011, was going to result in a number of politically inconvenient truths for the governor.
Must-See Video: Top Scientists Speak Out On Arctic Emergency
Man-made greenhouse gas emissions have become the dominant cause of melting in glaciers from the Alps to the Andes that is raising world sea levels, a new study finds.