It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Mitch McConnell
The G.O.P.'s Medical Malpractice: Either Republicans Don’t Understand Healthcare, or They’re Just Liars
The GOP has already indicted itself as both criminally ignorant and casually hypocritical about the nature of health insurance and the critical role government necessarily plays in it.
Paris Exit Was "Victory Paid and Carried Out" by Republican Party for the Koch Brothers
The 22 Republican senators who sent a letter to President Donald Trump last week urging the United States' withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement received more than $10 million dollars in campaign funds from fossil fuel interests.
Climate Deniers in Congress Received over $80 Million in Dirty Money
Talk about a Climate Denier Caucus: 142 representatives and 38 senators have received a total of $82,882,725 from the coal, oil and gas industries.
Senate Invokes Historic "Nuclear Option" Rules Change to Confirm Gorsuch
By a vote of 52-48 along party lines, Republicans voted to end to the filibuster for supreme court nominations, forever changing how justices are confirmed to the country’s highest court.
How the Super PAC Megadonor Oligarchy Conquered American Politics
The majority of money raised for the 2016 presidential race has come from those giving $100,000 or more.
Billionaires Behind Closed Doors: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Summit
The explicit goal of this covert gathering was to raise $500 million for Republicans to take the Senate in 2014 and another $500 million to make sure Hillary Clinton is never president.
88% of Congress On Gas Industry Payroll As Campaign Donations Hit Record Level
A new report shows politicians' campaign cash from the natural gas industry has soared 231% in states that frack, and more than doubled even in the states that don't. Fact: seven of eight U.S. Congress members are on the gas industry's payroll.
Even McCutcheon Supreme Court Case Won't Alter Money's Influence on Politics
If the court were to axe the current overall contribution limits posed in McCutcheon v. FEC, some predict that fewer than 500 people could fund all of electoral politics, creating a government run of, by and for those 500 people.