It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
payday lenders
Is the Postal Banking Movement Being Too Careful to Succeed?
Failure of imagination at the top undermines hard work at the grassroots. Because at the end of the day, a people’s banking system strikes bipartisan terror in the hearts of the elites.
Swiss Reject Basic Income, But New Economy Still Firmly on Global Agenda
We now know ecological and economic security are linked and the Swiss rejection of basic income won't change that.
In Oakland, Replacing Predatory Lenders with Community Finance
Without adequate access to capital, neighborhoods, individuals, families, small businesses, organizations, and nonprofits cannot fully succeed.
Postal Banks Are People’s Banks: 6 Things You Need To Know About Postal Banking
Postal banking isn’t about creating a free-money utopia – it's about retaining control of public spaces, implementing public services there, and serving working people financially.
Bernie Sanders's Highly Sensible Plan to Turn Post Offices Into Banks
Postal banking is common worldwide, and is a good way to reach people who don't have access to standard savings accounts.
Cheaper, Faster, Better: The Time for Postal Banking Is Now
Postal banking represents a national, nonprofit public option to the private, for-profit banking system – and a solution for the one in four Americans who are underbanked.
Paying Up, Bottoming Out—Why the Payday Loan Crisis Must Be Stopped
Consumer watchdog groups, payday borrowers and victims of payday theft need to come together to end the practice that creates a never-ending cycle of debt.
Criminal Charges Brought Against Payday Loan Firms In New York
Carey Vaughn Brown owned a dozen companies that enabled payday loans to flout the state’s limits on interest rates in loans to New Yorkers.
The Movement for American Banking Independence Starts With Postal Banks
Over a billion people around the world are free to bank at their neighborhood post office – yet we stand almost alone among developed countries in keeping 300 million Americans from doing likewise.
As Banks Shut Branches Across the South, Poor Communities Suffer Most
Between 2008 and May 2013, more than 1,800 bank branches shut down nationwide, 93 percent of them in low-income neighborhoods.