It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
racial injustice
The FBI’s Dangerous Crackdown on "Black Identity Extremists"
The "BIE" movement, just recently invented by the F.B.I., is as frightening and dangerous as the bureau’s infamous Cointelpro program of the 1960s and ’70s under which J. Edgar Hoover set out to disrupt and destroy virtually any group with the word “black” in its name.
Texas Bathroom Bill Is Latest Civil Rights Victory in Deep South Spurred by Sports
The owners of three major league sports franchises strongly opposed the bathroom bill, continuing a trend over the last half century where sports contributed to the advancement of civil rights in the conservative Deep South.
Goodnight, and Good Luck: Al Jazeera America Shutters Its Doors
The core principle driving the journalism that distinguished Al Jazeera America online as a unique voice in a cluttered news landscape was the simple – yet radical – proposition that no single human life is worth less than any other.
Message From Minneapolis: The Time To Reinvest in Poor Communities Is Now
American taxpayers spend $126 billion a year to fund police departments nationwide – but in places like Minneapolis, black people are underprotected and overpoliced, and politicians can no longer ignore the surging wave of activism.
Why White Progressives Must Address Racial Injustice In 2016
The recent Black Lives Matter protest at the Netroots Nation conference was a teachable moment for everyone – forcing progressives to pick a side as they shape next year's electoral agenda.
Why Black Lives Matter Needs the Black Panthers
A half century ago, activists were demanding not only the recognition that black lives matter but also the right to black power.
#BlackLivesMatter: The Evolution of an Iconic Hashtag
How three friends turned a spontaneous Facebook post into a global phenomenon.
Protesters March Nationwide As #ReclaimMLK Day Highlights Racial Injustice
Tens of thousands of people across the country came out to volunteer, march and celebrate the civil rights leader's legacy and to call for an end to police brutality and violence.
The Year in Inequality: Racial Disparity Can No Longer Be Ignored
There’s no way policymakers can adequately address inequality in the United States overall without recognizing the effects of the racial wealth gap.
"It is Our Duty To Fight For Our Freedom" As Mass Arrests In Ferguson Continue
Cornel West was among 49 protesters arrested Monday outside Ferguson police headquarters and others occupied St. Louis city hall, shut down two Walmart stores and disrupted a political fundraiser.