It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
racial injustice
Weekend of Resistance Becomes Moral Monday As St. Louis Protests Surge
About 500 protesters shouted slogans at riot police in St. Louis overnight into Monday morning near the climax of four days of street rallies and sit-ins over the two police shootings.
17 Arrested In St. Louis During "Ferguson October" Protest
Sunday morning's arrests capped a long Saturday of dissent that began with at least several hundred people marching through downtown St. Louis to protest shootings and racial inequality.
Six Vital Conversations Jumpstarted on the Streets of Ferguson
As the outrage in Ferguson takes on new forms and becomes less openly confrontational, the shooting of Michael Brown has started a nationwide dialogue about race, class and American law enforcement.
Magazine Publisher Brings Pizza – and Leadership – to Streets Of Ferguson
The shooting of Michael Brown unearthed in Keith Griffin powerful and once-latent feelings about race, community and an individual's responsibility in times of crisis.
Protesters Defy Martial Law-Like Crackdown In Ferguson
"We have a right to assemble, a right to freedom. But here we are facing what looks like a military imposing martial law. It is not acceptable."
Judge Rules New York's Stop-and-Frisk Policy Is Unconstitutional
A New York judge ruled Monday that stop-and-frisk searches by city police are unconstitutional, and ordered that a federal monitor oversee their reform — infuriating Mayor Michael Bloomberg and police commissioner Ray Kelly.
America's Disappeared: The Poor and the Prison System
When you are poor you can instantly disappear into the subterranean rabbit holes of our vast jail and prison complex.
The August 24 March on Washington: Why We Need a New Civil Rights and Labor Movement
Even with the greatest employment crisis since the 1930s and an unemployment rate for blacks that remains double that of whites, there is no talk of legislation for a federal jobs program to be paid for by taxing the rich.
Why Fruitvale Station Should Be Required Viewing For All Americans
Fruitvale Station, the latest entry in a growing list of movies that may help spark a civil rights movement in America, shows what the struggle of being black in modern America looks like.
Dream Defenders Occupy Florida State Capital Demanding End to "Stand Your Ground" Law
Activists are demanding a repeal of the notorious Stand Your Ground legislation and an end to racial profiling and the school to prison pipeline.