We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
rising inequality
Can Rent Control Make A Comeback In Priced-Out Northern California?
Richmond, infamous for its troubled oil refinery, becomes ground zero in the fight for affordable housing in the Bay Area.
Pope Francis, Bernie Sanders and the Popular Demand for Systemic Change
Two men in their 70s have been sparking the imagination and passions of American progressives, both have been featured on the cover of Time magazine – and both agree that the system is broken and radical transformation is necessary.
Apples and Googles Beware: A Labor Uprising Is Brewing In Inequality Valley
Unions are spreading like wildfire through the tech capital's low-wage workforce.
Ending the Weath Grip: America's Crisis Of Public Not Private Morality
Our problems have nothing to do with what happens in bedrooms or whether women can end their pregnancies. They have have everything to do with what occurs in boardrooms and whether corporations and the wealthy get to undermine our democracy.
Productivity + Workers Pay = Inequality: New Study Shows Why Wages Aren't Rising
The widening chasm between workers’ pay and productivity is “the central component of the wage stagnation story” in the U.S., according to an Economic Policy Institute report issued ahead of the Labor Day weekend.
Great Embarrassments of an Unequal Society
America has experienced "gush-up" rather than "trickle-down" – now the shame is on the adherents of unregulated free-market capitalism who have assaulted us with winner-take-all wealth over the common good.
San Francisco’s Inequality, Between the Levels of Rwanda and Guatemala, Is Still Growing
Saturday afternoon in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park reveals inequality like perhaps no other place can.
Why Inequality Is Making Los Angeles a Third World City
The deepening gap between rich and poor is both a sociological fact and a state of mind – as the cost of housing is up dramatically, and so is homelessness.
The Triumph of Occupy Wall Street
Nearly four years after the precipitous rise of Occupy Wall Street, the movement so many thought had disappeared has instead splintered and regrown into a variety of focused causes.
A New Dawn of Dissent: Britain Responds to Conservative Victory with Wave of Protests
As election resentment gathers speed in the U.K., reinvigorated protest efforts are emerging as well.