It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
stagnant wages
Becoming Serfs
We live in a new feudalism. We have been stripped of political power. Workers are trapped in menial jobs, forced into crippling debt and paid stagnant or declining wages. Where will this end?
3 More Reasons for Wealth-Deprived Americans to Take to the Streets
The rest of America has been left behind, but their voices are getting louder – demonstrated by the teachers around the country who are fighting back against income and wealth inequality.
GOP Tax Cuts Won’t Increase Jobs in States Where Many Lack Advanced Education
The new tax law uses trickle-down economics as the basis for its tax code, the logic being: less taxes equals more money for wealthy individuals and companies that will invest in more jobs, capital improvements and wages.
Richest 1% Captured 82% of Wealth Created Last Year – While Poorest Half of the World Got Nothing
A new Oxfam analysis shows that one new billionaire was created every other day in 2017.
Yes, Half of Americans Are In Or Near Poverty: Here’s More Evidence
We still have our houses and cars, right? Maybe not. The poorest 50% of American adults had an average net worth of just $7,500 in 2016. A year earlier it was $9,000, but the richest 1% took it away.
In the Last 40 Years CEO Pay has Risen 937% – But Worker Wages are Stagnant
A new report published by the Economic Policy Institute shows that while wages for American workers have remained stagnant for decades, CEO pay has soared at an “outrageous” clip – reaching an average of $15.6 million at the largest firms.
12 Major Reasons Why Americans Became Poor
Multiple developments contributed in recent decades to the decline of prosperity – much of it due to deliberate but gradual social and financial engineering.
For Struggling Renters In New Orleans, Hope May Be Coming A Bit Late
Twenty-four-year old Stuart Marino, a finance major at University of New Orleans, spends more than 30 percent of his income on rent and utilities and doesn't have enough savings to cover a basic medical emergency.
Low Wages, Rising Rents: Why California Workers Can’t Afford A Roof Over Their Head
According to the California Housing Partnership Corporation, a combination of falling incomes and high rents is driving the worst rental-housing crisis in California since World War II.
Britain’s Pay Gap Widens Further As Fat Cat Salaries Exceed 183 Times the Average Wage
If the U.K. had a reason last year to ponder why the poor weren’t “storming the barricades” over income inequality, the county has even more reason to ask the question heading into 2016.