This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
student debt
Obama Issues Modest "Student Aid Bill Of Rights" For Millions Drowning In College Debt
Not only should every American be able to afford college, they also should be able to afford the loan payments that kick into overdrive once they graduate.
The College Game Plan: Liberate 41 Million Americans From Student Loan Debt
We realize that a “student debt jubilee” will cost money, but it will also stimulate economic growth by injecting more money into the economy – and that growth will provide more tax revenue for the government.
The Grand Strategy To Cast Off the Corporate State
This is a strategic memorandum to all movement organizers, social justice organizations, and free citizens disgusted with a corporate state that has systematically extracted our wealth and resources while giving back nothing in return.
Obama Calls for "Free and Universal" Community College
“I want to make it free because, in America, a quality education cannot be a privilege reserved for the few.”
U.C. Davis Protesters Occupy Campus: "Raise Tuition and We'll Raise Hell"
Students are rejecting a proposed tuition hike that would raise their costs by more than $3,300 over the next five years.
Germany Abolishes College Tuition Fees
“We got rid of tuition fees because we do not want higher education which depends on the wealth of the parents."
The Subprime Education Scandal: For-Profit Colleges and America's Factories of Debt
With student loan debt quadrupling between 2003 and 2013, it’s time to ask whether education alone – not to mention the kind that robs you for profit – can move people up the class ladder.
Five Ways Occupy Wall Street Is Making Inroads Across America
From defending homeowners against unlawful foreclosure to opposing skyrocketing student debt and bolstering the low wage workers movement, seeds planted by Occupy continue to spread and grow.
Occupy Group Strike Debt Buys and Abolishes $4 Million in Everest College Student Loans
The Rolling Jubilee group that grew out of Occupy Wall Street has purchased and eliminated a portfolio of private student loans worth millions at Corinthian Colleges in California.
The American Bankers Association and the Quiet War on Students
Exposed: For half a century, the ABA has actively fought against the interests of students by lobbying to make it harder for students to avoid loan default.