This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
student debt
Revealed: 2012 Graduates Have Highest-Ever Student Debt
College graduates who borrowed for bachelor’s degrees granted in 2012 have an average student loan debt of $29,400, the highest average student loan debt ever on record. Overall, 70% of college seniors graduated with debt in 2012.
More Student Debt and Less Payback, Especially for Women
Women earn less than men in virtually every occupation, from business to medicine to the arts, but pay the same amount to go to school, making any outstanding loans a larger repayment burden.
How Oregon's "Pay It Forward" Bill Tackles Student Debt
Oregon's new Pay It Forward bill will delay tuition being paid by any student attending any state school until after s/he graduates and gets a job.
Hedges: The Sparks of Rebellion
With the decimation of U.S. manufacturing along with the dismantling of our unions and opposition parties, we will have to search for different instruments of rebellion.
Ripping Off Young America — The College-Loan Scandal
The federal government has made it easier than ever to borrow money for higher education - saddling a generation with crushing debts and inflating a bubble that could bring down the economy
Three Demands to Congress: Student Loans, Glass-Steagall & a Financial Transaction Tax
People rule in a democracy. Not Wall Street, not banks, not money. This is something apparently forgotten by Congress.
Occupy Museums Calls on Deans Nationwide to Support DebtFair For Students
Message to art school deans: "Begin a process of transparency: educate your students about the realities of debt, and disclose the relationships between your board members and predatory lenders."
Doubling Student Interest Rates Will Turn A Generation Against Congress
The real story is about the slow dismantling of affordable education — one of the last means of upward mobility in America — and the exclusion of a generation from the "American Dream."
The Republican Death-Trap: Taxing Students Instead of Polluters
As student loan interest rates double, Republicans are signing a pledge – sponsored by the multi-billionaire Koch brothers — to oppose any climate-change legislation that might raise government revenues by taxing polluters.
Game-Changer: Could Elizabeth Warren’s "Bank on Students" Bill Be An Economic Breakthrough?
The Massachusetts senator's bill has been dismissed as “shameless populist demagoguery” and “a cheap political gimmick,” but could Warren’s outside-the-box bill be a game-changer that actually turns the economy around?