It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
tax cuts
Your Money or Your Life: What Drastic Spending Cuts Actually Mean
Congressional “deficit hawks” generally abandon their budget-cutting principles when they become inconvenient, but what would happen if they followed through? Hint: It won't be pleasant.
Make America Grate Again: Why The Trump Tax Cuts Are Bad for Democracy
What they really do is inflate the national debt while concentrating wealth and political power into fewer and fewer hands.
With the GOP Tax Plan, a New Economic Epoch Begins
Ten years down the road, 20 years down the road, how will the lives that Americans lead change if this Republican tax plan gets to shape our national future? Not for the better, say the world’s most prolific inequality analysts.
A.L.E.C. Launches Ultra-Conservative Lobby Group to Corrupt Government At Local Level
Under the American City County Exchange, local and city councils will see more privatization, more public services sold off or cut, and decision-making increasingly in the hands of large corporations far away.