This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
tax havens
Tax Time: How Corporations Are Cheating Schoolchildren
It’s a devious double whammy: taxpayers are giving money to multinational corporations and then paying a second time to meet the needs of underfunded U.S. public schools.
Bernie Targets Top 10 Corporate Tax Dodgers On Eve Of Iowa Primary
Sanders pledged Friday to close loopholes that allow Fortune 500 companies to exploit offshore tax havens, which last year enabled them to avoid paying U.S. taxes on over $2.1 trillion in accumulated profits.
E.U. Rules Starbucks and Fiat Tax Deals Illegal – Companies Must Pay "Fair Share"
The bigger impact lies ahead for global corporations whose strategies to avoid tax are under attack on various fronts from cash-strapped governments.
Secret Corporate Tax Deals In Luxembourg Are Exacerbating Financial Crisis
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has released a series of documents detailing how Luxembourg has been serving as a tax haven for hundreds of multinational corporations.
The Curse of Oil In Uganda: As Black Gold Emerges, So Does Fear Of Economic Disease
With a $150 million World Bank loan, the Ugandan government plans to construct roads to service oil companies, provide scholarships for oil workers and fund an oil institute. But what about helping its own people?
Shady Profits: How the World’s Top Corporations Are Failing At Transparency
A new report reveals that three-quarters of the world's 124 biggest publicly traded companies don't disclose the taxes they pay in foreign countries, and dozens hide their foreign revenues altogether.
14 Americans Made More Money than the Food Stamp Budget for 50 Million
So little of our national wealth is going to feed people or provide jobs and instead, the richest Americans vastly increased their wealth this past year. But what vaulted these individuals to the top?
Straight Numbers On the Rich, the Un-Rich And Who's Really Taking Entitlements
The super-rich feel they deserve all the tax breaks and the accumulation of wealth from the productivity of others – this is the true threat of entitlement.
Corruption Costs Poor Countries $1 Trillion, Causes 3.6 Million Deaths A Year
Report: Developing countries’ efforts to fight poverty, disease and hunger are damaged by a web of corrupt activity siphoning off hundreds of billions every year.
New Bank Leak Shows How British Rich Exploit Tax Haven Loopholes
At a time of debate about inequalities of wealth in the U.K., the data leaks reveal how the very richest families dip in and out of British jurisdiction as it suits them