It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Your Money or Your Life: What Drastic Spending Cuts Actually Mean
Congressional “deficit hawks” generally abandon their budget-cutting principles when they become inconvenient, but what would happen if they followed through? Hint: It won't be pleasant.
Act Out! [150] - Expensive Bombs & Toilet Paper + the Gun Talk We’re Not Having, But Need To
Taxes are right around the corner so we felt it an apt time to talk about some of the big winners on tax day. Spoiler alert: It's not you and me.
Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here’s How They Did It
Complaining that the United States has one of the world’s highest corporate tax levels, President Trump and congressional Republicans have repeatedly vowed to shrink it.
Apple's tax bill is going to start getting bigger
For decades, the tech giant has set up corporate structures overseas where it can get away with paying less tax than it would if it was in its home country.
The Great American Ripoff: The High Cost of Low Taxes
Everyone loves low taxes, but we pay a ton out-of-pocket for things people in other rich countries take for granted.
The Sport of Tax Evasion: Follow the Trillions (If You Can)
In what is rapidly becoming the largest tax fraud investigation in history, the global elite and multinational corporations stand accused of hiding behind tax shelters worldwide and secreting assets upwards of $32 trillion.
The One Percent Blues
The hugely rich have always been with us, of course, but now it’s… different.
The Numbers Are In: Tax the Rich to Pay the Deficit
Contrary to conservative arguments our ballooning deficit crisis is a result of withheld revenue, not excessive spending. These three basic tax enforcement fixes -- and a few new taxes on the wealthy -- would solve it all.
Senate Cuts Taxes for the Rich While Raising Taxes on Working Families
The Senate GOP plan to preserve the Bush tax cuts on incomes above $250,000 already amounts to a budget-busting tax cut for the rich - in addition, it would eliminate the estate tax, costing billions in revenue and giving a huge tax cut to the very wealthiest Americans.