It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo Is the Go-To Bank for Gunmakers and the NRA
Wells Fargo & Co. has emerged as the preferred financier for the U.S. gun industry.
Wells Fargo Is The Harvey Weinstein of Banks
Like Weinstein, Wells Fargo have exposed themselves again and again for what and who they are: a predatory life sucking money laundering criminal enterprise that victims continue to expose their silky shoulders to: feed the monster, come what may.
Proposed "Accountability Act" Gives Power to Fed to Shut Down Megabanks
Wells Fargo "definitely qualifies" to be shut down, said Maxine Waters (D-CA), who introduced the Megabank Accountability and Consequences Act last week.
Wells Fargo, Why Are You Still Here?
If the powers that be actually stood for consumer protection and legal ethics, rules, laws, enforcement and oversight, we’d be seeing a good old fashioned perp walk like we used to with Stumpf and Sloan in ankle chains and orange jumpsuits.
Wells Fargo's Lyin' Cheatin' Ways: Banking with a Sociopathic Institution and How to Let Go
Let's face it: That harmless tall handsome stone wall that promises you the world, smiles at you shamelessly through bulletproof glass and marble floors, black suits and lollipops, is a sociopathic lover out to take all that you hold dear.
Lawsuit Says Wells Fargo Auto Insurance Charges Were a Fraud
Wells Fargo said late last week it would refund about $80 million to an estimated 570,000 customers who were wrongly charged for auto insurance from 2012 to 2017, including roughly 20,000 whose vehicles were repossessed.
Amid Divestment Protests, More Cities Explore Public Banks
Supporters say public banks can enable more community-driven, character-based lending.
Banking On Wells Fargo: Financial Russian Roulette for Suckers
If there is no respect for justice, fairness or integrity in our financial system or governance, there will be a reaction of civil unrest, more violence, civil disobedience and utter chaos.
Wall Street’s House of Cards: Let’s Play Bankster Three Card Monte
Dear Main Street, how do I scam thee? Let me count the ways. Or should I say, “Together we’ll go far.” It’s as if the bank CEOs have regular committee meetings to discuss the protocol of the Three Card Monte trick.
Why Republicans Want to Kill the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The CFPB isn’t being targeted because it has failed. It has been targeted because it is succeeding – as of July it had returned $12 billion to more than 37 million victims of illegal banking practices. It must be defended at all costs.