The way the urban commons create a space to solve material problems and enable social movements to forge city-wide networks are antidotes to people being attracted towards the far-right.
Act Out! [40] - Thomas Paine, Recycled Propaganda, White Power & COP21
This week, let's use some common sense and talk about the rights of man. Next up, Recycled Propaganda. And from Paris to the globe, climate change can be slowed, if we make it so.
Dope Francis Raps the 10 Climate Commandments
Pope Francis performs his 2015 encyclical on climate change, revealing his new, revised Ten Climate Commandments for the care of our common home.
Acronym TV [48] - ISIS Threatens Attack on America, Trump's Making American White Again + More
ISIS is planning an Attack on America – what lessons can we learn from the post 9-11 era, and how respond to such an attack? Then, what to do about Donald Trump's not-so-silent majority that's starting to scream "White Power"?
Act Out! [39] - Fall Rising, Democracy Spring, Stuart Schuffman, and Don't Buy Shit
This week we're flushing the TPP, joining the fight against money in politics, and opting out of Black Friday.
Chicago Police Officer Who Shot Black Teen 16 Times Charged with Murder
Veteran officer Jason Van Dyke was charged with murder the day before a judge’s deadline for the release of a video showing the graphic killing of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald.
The Empire Files: Thanksgiving and the Native American Genocide
Each November, Americans celebrate a mythical version of U.S. history – Thanksgiving Day's portrayal of the experience of Native Americans under the boot of settler-colonialism is one of the Empire's most cherished falsehoods.
The attack in Paris sent American politicians scrambling to assert that people seeking asylum from extremists in their home would not be welcome over here. The film, written by Forrest Gump and Benjamin Button screenwriter Eric Roth, strikes a timely note about immigration.
Act Out! [38] - Saddled dinosaurs, students rise up & green washed politics
First, since when did stupidity become so popular? I guess since dinosaurs wore saddles – yes, saddles. Next up, education is a right and it's time to stop treating students like customers at a luxury store.
Inequality Redux: Just Why Do the Rich Keep Getting Richer?
Because 97% of the money in the U.K. is created by banks, someone must pay interest on nearly every pound in the circulation.
Acronym TV [47]: Black Lives Matter Meets The Golden Goose That Came Home To Roost + The Million Student March
Dave Zirin, the sports editor of The Nation, joins Dennis Trainor to discuss racial tension at the University of Missouri.