Over the next two years, Democrats have the unfettered ability to be an albatross around the neck of the GOP — and to make sure that what little they manage to get done due to their paper-thin majorities becomes the reason for their undoing.
Sacred Economics With Charles Eisenstein: A Short Film
The monetary system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity and destroyed community.
What's Wrong With Our Food System? This 11-Year-Old Can Tell You
11 year old Birke Baehr asks, "What's Wrong With Our Food System? And How Can We Make A Difference?"
Julian Assange to Future Snowdens: "Join the CIA."
Assange urged information technology specialists to join forces to resist government encroachments on Internet freedom.
Ridiculing the Corrupt Is Big Hit In UK Comedy Show "The Revolution Will Be Televised"
This is no ordinary TV show.
This Bad Santa Leaves Lumps of Black Coal in Your Lung Instead of Your Stocking
The coal industry is going to great lengths to screw former miners out of their black lung disability benefits.
Anonymous Issues Warning of Shutdown to Federal Reserve Page on #D23
"We are not fooled. We know that there is nothing federal and that there are no reserves. The masses are waking, and we are rising. We have learned of all the atrocities that lie within central banking."
Op-Doc: Why Care About the NSA?
Edward Snowden has ignited a debate, and for that I am grateful. But now that he’s done his part, it’s time for all Americans to decide how to respond to his revelations. That is to say, it is no longer his story. It is ours.
Donald Sutherland: "I Want Hunger Games to Stir Up a Revolution"
The Hunger Games is a coded commentary on inequality, power and hope, and he wants it to stir revolt: a youth-led uprising against injustice to overturn the U.S. as we know it.
Strike Debt abolished $15m of people's debt
Strike Debt - an offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street Movement - launched a project to buy up debt belonging to ordinary Americans and abolish it so that they never have to pay it back.
Yves Smith and Dean Baker on Secrets in Trade: What Is The Trans-Pacific Partnership?
A U.S.-led trade deal is currently being negotiated that could increase the price of prescription drugs, weaken financial regulations and even allow partner countries to challenge American laws. But few know its substance.