Over the next two years, Democrats have the unfettered ability to be an albatross around the neck of the GOP — and to make sure that what little they manage to get done due to their paper-thin majorities becomes the reason for their undoing.
"Four Days in Chicago" Looks At Police Crackdown at NATO Protests
Haskell Wexler takes an up-close look at four dramatic days of politics, protest and police, in May of last year, as a military-style security force suppressed Americans' constitutional right to protest.
Millions Mobilize For March Against Monsanto - Again
Following the two-million-strong global March Against Monsanto in May, citizens worldwide are gearing up for the second stage showdown next Saturday.
A Film About the Fed, Funded by the Mortgage Crisis
As millions of Americans invested in new homes in the mid 2000's, filmmaker Jim Bruce was already investing in the housing market's implosion.
World Class Warfare: Will There Be Blood?
A war is being waged against the American people by the super rich. And it is escalating.
Millennial Video: I Forgot My Phone, or How to Reawaken to Reality
What is life without our devices?
Taking Over, Taking Back: Breaking Doors Down to Open Homes Up
The short documentary by filmmakers Jessica Murphy and Elissa Nadworny highlights the work of the Chicago Anti-Eviction Campaign, a coalition of homeowners, renters and houseless people organizing to take over vacant, bank-owned houses.
'Inequality for All', the Film from Robert Reich
The Robert Reich Film, 'Inequality for All', Premiers this week, watch the trailer.
Reality Check: Is Monsanto America's Best Example of Crony Capitalism?
It is a name that Americans are hearing more and more: Monsanto.
Ice Ride: The Global Bike Ride to Defend the Arctic
On Sept. 15, in more than 30 countries and 75 cities around the world, thousands of people will take to the streets on their bikes to challenge big oil’s plan to drill in the Arctic by participating in the Ice Ride.
Unswayed By Mock Julian Assange Video, Australians Elect Arch Conservative PM
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange made his case for Australia's prime minister.