It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Decision to Frack Britain's Parks Takes Industry Influence To New Extremes
Despite UK minsters asserting the alleged economic benefits of fracking, many in Britain question the government’s new plan that puts human health, safety and the country's natural beauty at stake.
Indigenous Blockade of B.C. Pipeline Spurs Apache Corp To Abandon Kitimat Gas Project
Houston-based Apache Corporation said it will exit the joint project with Chevron just one month after Premier Christy Clark took a tour of the site.
Where Are the Occupy Protesters Now?
Social media makes it easier and cheaper to build movements quickly – but bypassing the business of creating decision-making infrastructure means they can disappear just as fast.
Rebel Generation: Millennials In the Era Of Distrust and Discontent
From 9/11 on, millennials saw firsthand the devastation wrought by the Bush administration’s dishonesty.
New Wiki Opens Data on 4 Million Oil & Gas Wells Across North America
"We're not doing anything the regulators can't do themselves if they were so inclined."
Military Recruiters Enjoy Unprecedented Access To Students
In the absence of public scrutiny, recruiters have been using a variety of means to circumvent existing school recruiting policies.
Fire These Liars: Heads of CIA and NSA Have Criminally Misled Public
Last week it became clear that the head of the CIA, John Brennan lied when he said: “As far as the allegations of CIA hacking into Senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth. We wouldn’t do that.
My Party Has Lost Its Soul: Former Clinton Aide Laments Victory for Wall Street Democrats
We yearn for a new politics but worry that our democracy, like that Antarctic ice shelf, has reached its tipping point.
Labor On Offense: Congress Introduces Bill to Make Union Organizing A Civil Right
The Ellison-Lewis legislation would amend the National Labor Relations Act to give workers a range of legal options if they feel discriminated against for trying to form a union.
A.L.E.C. Launches Ultra-Conservative Lobby Group to Corrupt Government At Local Level
Under the American City County Exchange, local and city councils will see more privatization, more public services sold off or cut, and decision-making increasingly in the hands of large corporations far away.