There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
The Puppet Show: Our American Dream Inverted
We must accept what our country has become and quit throwing our heads in the sand and hoping that things will get better.
The Pirates Behind the Campaign To Fix the Debt
The real reason we should stop talking about The Deficit is that the people insisting it will eat us and our posterity on toast are lying swine who would sell your white-haired granny to the Somali pirates for another three points on the Dow.
BofA CEO Pleads Amnesia
Brian Moynihan plays clueless during his long-awaited interrogation.
Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers Whistleblower: "Bradley Manning Is A Hero"
And there you have it, folks.
Bradley Manning: A Tale of Liberty Lost in America
Over the past two and a half years, much has been said about Bradley Manning but nothing has been heard from him. Until last week.
NASA Scientist: Climate Change Is Happening Now
Will our short attention span be the end of us?
Techtivist Report: Making Your Smartphone 007 Smart
The smartphone in your pocket can become a high-tech activist tool and counter-surveillance device, allowing you to film covertly, post untraceable images, communicate secretly — and even control public and private security cameras.
Mortgage Catch Pushes Widows Into Foreclosure
Even as the housing market recovers, widows over the age of 50 whose husbands were holders of their mortgage are losing their homes to foreclosure.
Letter From London: It Takes a Cabal of Willing Governments to Maintain Global Tax Havens
When corporations say what they do to shield profit from taxation is "legal," they're often right. And this is wrong.
In Arizona, America's Largest Prison Corporation Helps Arrest Students
Recent events in the central Arizona town of Casa Grande show the hand of private corrections corporations reaching into the classroom.