There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Abandoning Wall Street and Creating a Public Bank for the City of Los Angeles
A Bank of the City of Los Angeles would not compete with commercial banks but would partner with them, using its tax revenue deposits to create interest-free credit for lending programs that go toward funding city projects.
Exposed: Outrage In Denmark As Goldman Sachs Buys National Energy Company
Denmark agreed Thursday to sell 19 percent of its state owned energy company, DONG Energy, to U.S. investment giant Goldman Sachs – setting off a storm of protest and the resignation of the Socialist People's Party from the coalition government.
Exposed: NATO 3 Trial Reveals Entrapment, Police Misconduct, Faulty Evidence
When police encourage and orchestrate ”terrorist plots,” and then arrest their ”co-conspirators” prior to the act, can you call it law enforcement? We're about to find out with the trial of the NATO 3 in Chicago.
NSA Targets Apps For Spying
The National Security Administration (NSA) and its British counterpart pull data from popular Android smartphone apps like Angry Birds and Google Maps
How Net Neutrality Lost The Tech Giants
What happens when the cause’s most effective champions outgrow the cause?
Exposing the Mont Pelerin Society: Koch-Powered Climate Denial At Its Best
An investigation reveals Charles Koch's long-standing affiliation with the Mont Pelerin Society, a global group of industrialists, academics and economists who seek to eliminate all government regulations while devouring the planet's resources.
Cutting Off the NSA's Juice
For the NSA’s top executives, maintaining a vast flow of juice to keep Big Brother nourished is essential — and any interference with that flow is unthinkable.
Edward Snowden Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Two Norwegian politicians say the NSA whistleblower's actions have led to a more stable and peaceful world order.
10 Groups Building a Grassroots Movement for Economic Justice
From the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to Occupy Our Homes, these groups are galvanizing communities to action nationwide.
How Michoacán's Armed Self-Defense Groups Are Retaking Power from Mexican Cartels
Mexican law forbids citizens from bearing most firearms, but 25,000 armed citizen self-defense groups adamantly declare it is their right to protect themselves and their communities against equally armed criminal groups.