It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Global Power Project: The Group of Thirty, Architects of Austerity
From Jean-Claude Trichet and Mario Draghi to Jaime Caruana and Kenneth Rogoff, proponents of austerity politics run in some of the world's elite circles where they have pushed illogical and unsuccessful economics to its inevitable conclusion.
For Our Vote To Make a Difference, It's Time to Try New Tactics
The victory of Seattle's socialist city council member Kshama Sawant shows how grassroots efforts are creating an opening for independent political action by working people — even in the tightly controlled world of electoral politics and the two-party system.
Volcker Rule Approved By All 5 Regulators Signals Crackdown on Wall Street Banks
The 953-page edict, part of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial overhaul, codifies and restricts the way banks trade securities, setting in motion a broad new government rule to limit risk-taking by Wall Street and scale back trading activities.
World's Leading Authors Condemn State Spying and Demand "Digital Bill of Rights"
Accusing the U.S., Britain and other states of systematically abusing their powers by conducting mass surveillance, Don DeLillo, Günter Grass, Margaret Atwood and J.M. Coetzee are among the renowned writers petitioning the U.N. for new civil rights protections.
18 Sheriff's Deputies Charged With Inmate Abuse and Corruption at L.A. Central Jail
Four grand jury indictments and a criminal complaint allege unjustified beatings of jail inmates and visitors at downtown L.A. jail facilities, unjustified detentions and a conspiracy to obstruct a federal investigation into misconduct at largest U.S. jail system.
Richmond Expands Battle for Eminent Domain To Save Homeowners From Foreclosure
The eminent domain plan—in which cities like Richmond will forcibly acquire mortgages at discounts, then help homeowners refinance into smaller and more affordable home loans—is gaining mainstream acceptance as a form of principal reduction.
Why Is University of Pennsylvania Hosting Secret Meetings About Secret Surveillance?
Last month's conference here, entitled "On the Very Idea of Secret Laws," featured moderated discussions about secret courts, secret laws and America's rampaging surveillance apparatus—and was kept strangely, well, secret from the public.
#D23 National Action To "Illuminate the Fed" on Federal Reserve's 100th Birthday
The nationwide coalition FedUp100 has announced plans to assemble at all 12 U.S. Federal Reserve Bank branches on the 100th anniversary of the Fed to educate the public and "illuminate" an institution which operates in total darkness.
Hundreds of Thousands Take Kiev's Indepedence Square Demanding European Integration
Masses occupied the Ukrainian capital calling on President Victor Yanukovych to resign.
Amend the Fed: We Need a Central Bank that Serves Main Street
December 23 marks the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve, prompting growing calls to audit or end the Fed. At the least Congress needs to amend it — modifying the Federal Reserve Act to allow the central bank to carry out its mandates.