There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
How Spy Tech Firms Let Governments See Everything On a Smartphone
Want to invisibly spy on 10 iPhone owners without their knowledge? Cost: $650,000 plus a $500,000 setup fee with an Israeli outfit called the NSO Group.
Prison Labor Revolts Shake the Foundations of the Corporate State, Part II
The upcoming prisoner resistance rallies aren’t just a strike against prisons, but also against the brutality of capitalism.
Silent Tax Foreclosure Auction Is Detroit's Largest Missed Opportunity
Wayne County's tax foreclosure auction, starting Wednesday, is a nationwide opportunity to buy Detroit homes on the cheap – but the residents of those homes have little access to information to take advantage of it.
Dakota Access Pipeline: Native American Protesters Attacked with Pepper Spray, Guard Dogs
During Saturday's protest at the site of a multi-million dollar oil pipeline in North Dakota, at least six people, including a child, received bites from guard dogs belonging to a private security company.
Umbrella Movement Victory: Pro-Independence Candidates Win Seats in Hong Kong Election
In a result likely to shake up Hong Kong politics and strain relations with China, a new generation of young pro-independence candidates from the Occupy Central "Umbrella movement" won five seats.
Overwhelming Evidence that a Guaranteed Income Will Work
We’re fooling ourselves by believing in a future with satisfying middle-class jobs for millions of Americans. It’s becoming clear that income should be guaranteed so that people can find productive ways to serve society.
An Arkansas Judge Sent A Cancer Patient To "Debtors’ Prison" Over A Few Bounced Checks
The court system in the town of Sherwood is destroying the lives of poor people, a new federal lawsuit alleges.
Campus Chill: How Freezing Tuition Became the Latest Move in the Austerity Playbook
At first glance, the appeal of a tuition freeze is obvious: the bills directly benefit students and can be written, passed and enforced in just months. But not everyone is on board, for good reasons.
Black Lives Matter Shifts Police Brutality Focus to Britain
“It's very difficult to live in Britain as a black person."
Argentine General and 28 Others Sentenced to Life for Crimes Against Humanity
Thousands gathered outside a federal court in Cordoba to hear the historic sentencing for crimes committed at secret Dirty War-era detention centers, marking a landmark step in the struggle for justice in Argentina.