It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Minneapolis Confronts Its History of Housing Segregation
By doing away with single-family zoning, the city takes on high rent, long commutes, and racism in real estate in one fell swoop.
Occupy Brexit: "Theresa May's Whole Agenda Has Run Off A Cliff"
“This historic defeat will show that the government is deadlocked – and we now need to throw this back to the people and give them a final say," said Paul Butters of Best for Britain.
U.S. and Russia Ally with Saudi Arabia to Water Down Climate Pledge
The move shocked delegates at a UN conference in Poland as ministers flew in for the final week of climate talks.
'Brutal News': Global Carbon Emissions Jump to All-Time High in 2018
According to a new Global Carbon Project report, emissions are heading in the opposite direction to the deep cuts that are urgently needed to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.
What Does Inequality Cost the Average American? About $150K
Americans pay a steep price for not spreading their wealth around as well as other developed countries.
Black Manosphere Displays Black Men's Sexual Rage and Frustration
In response to the racism often targeted exclusively toward black men on majority white digital spaces, black males have created their own manosphere – where they rail against black women.
Sick Of Facebook? Read This.
Now is the time to defend the remnants of the Information Revolution. Take off the corporate gag, close the social media surveillance blinds, and shift.
Protests Erupt as Wisconsin GOP Attempt to Disempower Democrats Following Scott Walker’s Loss
Michigan’s Republican-led legislature is also trying to disempower the state’s newly-elected Democratic governor.
India Says #MeToo and Brings Down Powerful Men
It may have taken a full year for the #MeToo movement to reach India, but the storm has hit – and loudly.
'It Is Time for Progressives of the World to Unite': Sanders-Varoufakis Issue Open Call for New Global Movement
"Our Progressive International will reclaim our communities, our cities, our countries, and our planet with a bold International New Deal that we will work, together, to deliver."