The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
How to Reduce Our Out-of-Control Prison Population
The following list represents a clear set of strategies for reducing our 2,300,000+ prison population without compromising public safety.
Opinion: Progressives Must Move Beyond Occupy
The general public agreed with Occupy's basic message. But Occupy's inept organization managed to squander this strategic opportunity, and the movement is now actually impeding Progressives' outreach to the general public.
A Prescription to Heal the Economy
We will not make progress in addressing either the jobs or deficit crisis unless we are prepared to take on the greed of Wall Street and big-money interests who want more and more for themselves at the expense of all Americans.
How to Tax a Millionaire
French President François Hollande on Friday confronted the country's bankers, business leaders and wealth class with his bold announcement of a 75% "supertax" on the super rich to help cut the deficit.
The Chicago Teachers Strike and the Privatization of a Generation
Those of us concerned with the future of the labor movement need to seriously begin looking at the changes this particular strike embodied—not only for schools, but for the economy itself.
In Dead of Night, A Coup for the Investor Class
While Congress, the press and the public were kept in the dark, 600 corporate lobbyists gained access to the secretively negotiated text of the Trans Pacific Partnership — a free-trade agreement of epic scale that would grant supreme power to global corporations.
Fear of a Drone Planet
One In three Americans are afraid of police using unmanned aircrafts to track suspected criminals at home.
America is Not Broke!
We have been told repeatedly that America is broke, that something must be cut and/or taxes raised or we will drown in debt. But these five multi-trillion dollar economic reforms would turn the American economy around to the positive.
Nonviolent Resistance Works
Teachers in Chicago, Verizon workers, and students in Quebec recently proved that not only are strikes and general resistance and dissent essential to any democracy, they also work.
Presidency, Inc.: Why No Candidate Will Save Us
Corporate power, no matter who is running the ward after January 2013, is poised to carry out U.S. history’s most savage assault against the poor and the working class, not to mention the Earth’s ecosystem.