The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Rato Finito: Spanish Citizens Send Most Corrupt Banker-Politician to Jail
A citizen-led campaign last month succeeded in prosecuting Spain’s top banker-politician, Rodrigo Rato, and 65 co-conspirators in a case that rattled the upper echelons of the country's political and financial elite.
These Cities Are Pulling Billions From the Banks That Support the Dakota Access Pipeline
From Seattle to San Francisco, Albuquerque to Raleigh, cities are joining the fight to defund the controversial pipeline.
From U.K. to Holland to Germany, the Alt-Right Is Reshaping European Opinion
"Fake news" has generated considerable attention in America in recent months, but less has been written about Europe's alt-right platforms which are enjoying an unprecedented rise in popularity as they agitate a restless population.
A Last Chance for Resistance
The crawl toward despotism within a failed democracy is always incremental – no regime planning to utterly extinguish civil liberties advertises its intentions in advance.
"Our Water, Our Right": 10 Global Struggles for Public Water
On this World Water Day, March 22, we bring you 10 inspiring stories of communities and cities working to reclaim public control over water and wastewater services from major private water multinationals.
New Evidence that Poor Americans Pay the Highest Taxes and Get Little of the Safety Net
Poor Americans pay about 25 percent in total taxes, while the 1% pays anywhere from 18 to 23 percent. Meanwhile, the richest 10% as a group receives almost as much government assistance as the poorest 50%.
Republican Majorities Accelerate Dismantling of Public Education Protections
Holding majorities across three levels of state governance, Republicans can continue to slash budgets for k-12 education while deregulating urban schools via voucher programs and charter schools.
Young Americans: Most See Trump as Illegitimate President
A majority of young adults – 57 percent – see Trump's presidency as illegitimate, including about three-quarters of blacks and large majorities of Latinos and Asians, a new GenForward poll found.
Forbes 2017 Billionaires List: "It Was a Record Year for the Richest People on Earth."
The number of billionaires jumped 13% to 2,043 from 1,810 last year – the first time ever that Forbes has pinned down more than 2,000 ten-figure-fortunes – while their total net worth rose by 18% to $7.67 trillion, also a record.
Closed Border Between Pakistan and Afghanistan Is Mainly Hurting the Poor
The border closure triggered fears that bilateral trade will come to a complete standstill as Pakistan officials threaten to keep the border closed for an indefinite period, due to terrorism threats.