It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
What’s Driving the Student Debt Bubble?
The amount that students owe quintupled between 2000 and 2011, a result of similar kinds of fraudulent tools of financialization as the ones that took down the U.S. economy.
Awakening from the Dream: The Real Facts on Fukushima
Japan is facing a nuclear crisis - with a second earthquake-induced catastrophe looming on the horizon - that neither government nor business is confronting honestly.
Pussy Riot Member Goes Free, Following Moscow Court Appeal
A Moscow appeals court on Wednesday released Yekaterina Samutsevich, one of the three jailed members of the punk band Pussy Riot, but maintained that the other two women must serve the remainder of their two-year jail term in a Russian prison colony.
Lawmakers Exposed: Who Really Works for the 1%?
Do you wonder which members of Congress routinely side with the richest 1 percent and Wall Street? A new “Congressional Report Card for the 99 Percent" answers that question.
QE3: The Fed's Latest Gift to Wall Street
The Fed's third round of quantitative easing, QE3, won't likely reduce unemployment - the banks will make out like bandits as they have before. Only if the banking system is under the control of the people can it be expected to serve the people.
Walmart Warehouse Workers Declare Victory
Striking warehouse workers at Walmart’s distribution center near Joliet, Illinois, have won an agreement for an end to retaliation against employees protesting working conditions, and are returning to work with full pay for the three weeks they were out.
Greek Anti-fascist Protesters "Tortured by Police" After Golden Dawn Clash
Fifteen people arrested in Athens says they were subjected to what their lawyer describes as an Abu Ghraib-style humiliation
Dueling California Measures Set to Tax Rich, Gut Unions
Californians will vote November 6 whether to approve the largest tax hike on the wealthy in that state since 1978. Meanwhile, an "astonishingly deceptive" initiative, Prop 32, would make it virtually impossible for unions to play a role in politics.
Advertising Evil: The Corporate Makeover
The same financial institutions that took down our economy are back, in most blatant advertising sense, telling us how wonderful they are and why we should like them again. By voting with their dollars, Americans may just say no.
With Chavez Victory, the Bolivarian Revolution Continues
Re-elected with 54 percent of the national vote on Sunday, Hugo Chávez proclaimed that "Venezuela will continue along the path of democratic and Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century."