It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Exclusive: Iceland's ALDA Movement Seeks A Roadmap Toward Systemic Change
Kristinn Már Ársælsson, a founder of Iceland's Association of Sustainability and Democracy, advocates measures that enable participatory decision making, democratize the workplace, protect the environment and restructure the financial system.
Millions Against Monsanto: Five Lessons from the Battle Against GMOs
Win or lose in Washington State on Election Day, the anti-GMO movement has evolved into a savvy army of grassroots activists committed to an ongoing battle to reclaim our food and farming systems.
Hitting 15-Year Low, Average U.S. Worker Last Year Made $27,500
The median wage in 2012 sank to its lowest level since 1998, revealing that at least half of American workers are being left behind even as wages and income gains soar for those at the top.
Number Of Homeless Students In United States Hits Record High
More than 1.1 million students in the U.S. were homeless last year, a record high, according to new data released by the U.S. Department of Education. Nearly 2 percent of all students in K-12 are now living without homes.
Texas Coffee Worker Strike Continues As Employees Refuse Massive Pay Cuts
Roughly 90% of workers at Maximus Coffee Group in Houston have been on strike for the past month to protest deep wage cuts.
Exclusive: Denmark Announces 61% Tax on Oil Companies to Fund Clean Rail Project
A plan to massively tax oil companies drilling in Denmark's North Sea has caused some global firms to threaten to take business elsewhere. Meanwhile, Denmark stands to win big, using the funds to build a new, clean, $5.2 billion high-speed rail system.
Ellen Brown: The Bank Guarantee That Bankrupted Ireland
After five years of belt-tightening, the Irish people are realizing that their assets are paying for the mistakes of the financial sector.
Two Years After Being Shot at Occupy Oakland, Vet Scott Olsen is Healing — and Suing
Olsen, who suffered a fractured skull and lasting brain trauma when he was hit by a bean bag round shot by police during a volatile protest at Occupy Oakland, awaits a settlement against the Oakland PD.
British Accuse David Miranda, Glenn Greenwald's Partner, Of Terrorism
British authorities claimed the domestic partner of reporter Glenn Greenwald was involved in "terrorism" when he tried to carry documents from Edward Snowden through a London airport in August.
NSA Pushed 9/11 As Key "Sound Bite" to Justify Surveillance
The National Security Agency advised its officials to cite the 9/11 attacks as justification for its mass surveillance activities.