It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
A New Era of Global Protest Begins
In line with the steady rise in social unrest over the past decade, it’s likely that we will witness an unprecedented escalation in large-scale citizen protests across the globe in 2016 and beyond.
Santa Fe Moves a Step Closer Toward Creating City-Owned Public Bank
A new study concludes that a public bank for the New Mexico city is both feasible and would have a positive financial impact – adding $24 million to city coffers over a seven-year period.
Progressive Lawyer Tim Canova Could Beat Unpopular DNC Chair In Florida Primary
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the living, breathing embodiment of everything rotted and corrupt about the Democratic Party – whereas Tim Canova has a history of activism with the Occupy movement and is a steadfast opponent of the Patriot Act.
Who Do They Represent: Davos and Its Threat to Democracy
It’s hard to keep a straight face when the world’s rich arrive annually in their private jets to the luxury ski-resort of Davos to express their deep concern about growing poverty, inequality and climate change.
Davos: Climate-Related Catastrophe Is Biggest Threat to World Economy in 2016
The annual assessment of risks conducted by the World Economic Forum before its annual meeting next week showed that global warming had catapulted its way to the top of the list of concerns.
Meet the "Emerging Market" Superstars of Global Economic Governance, Part II
Integration into the existing power structures of global economic governance requires, first and foremost, ideological capitulation: to accept the market system as the ideal form of the global economic order.
Fast-Food Workers Launch Wave Of Strikes For 2016 Primaries
Fast-food workers announced Friday that an unprecedented wave of strikes and actions calling for $15 and union rights will hit this primary season to hammer home to candidates that the nearly 64 million Americans paid less than $15 an hour are a voting
Meet the "Emerging Market" Superstars of Global Economic Governance, Part I
Introducing Agustin Carstens and Raghuram Rajan: one is Mexican, described by the Financial Times for his “Wall Street-sized reputation for financial wizardry,” and the other is Indian hailed by India’s Economic Times as “the Poster Boy of Banking.”
Climate Protests In 10 U.S. Cities Call For Tougher Clean Power Plan
Environmental justice leaders from communities hardest-hit by climate change will converge Jan. 19 on regional EPA headquarters to denounce the mining, fracking, burning and dumping of waste threatening U.S. towns and cities.
Richest 62 Billionaires As Wealthy As Half the World's Population
The vast and growing gap between rich and poor has been laid bare in a new Oxfam report showing that a handful of elites own as much wealth as the poorer half of the global population.