There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Zimmerman's Acquittal and the Call for a New Civil Rights Movement
We must mobilize and organize to assert popular power independent of the courts and corporate political parties if we are to create a world where Trayvon, and the millions he has come to represent, can thrive without fear.
What Edward Snowden Taught Us About American Freedom
Americans fully recognize the threat the U.S. security state poses to American liberty, with a poll last week showing 55% consider Edward Snowden a whistleblower, not a traitor. But who, now, will protect this hero?
Radically American: Theodore Dreiser and "America is Worth Saving"
The American novelist reflected on double standards for the poor and rich, and crafted a vigorous argument against U.S. engagement in World War II that speaks clearly to America's failed military ventures of the last decade.
Exposed: State Dept.'s Keystone XL Contractor Blatantly Lied About Ties to Big Oil
A major research dossier unfurled this week shows the ERM Group openly lied about its connections to Big Oil, tar sands and TransCanada.
Occupy Museums Calls on Deans Nationwide to Support DebtFair For Students
Message to art school deans: "Begin a process of transparency: educate your students about the realities of debt, and disclose the relationships between your board members and predatory lenders."
In Parched Northwestern India, One Man's Mission to Conserve Sacred Water
An astrologer and activist for water conservation in Rajasthan, a state located in the northwest of India, has turned the spiritual practice of offering water and milk in temples into a unique way of water conservation.
Act Before the Bail-In: Now Is the Moment to Seize Public Banking
As an individual or as a public official, if you have money in one of the big banks, you have essentially given your money to that gambler and now you are a creditor to the gambler.
Decline and Fall: How American Society Unravelled
Thirty years ago, the old deal that held U.S. society together started to unwind, with social cohesion sacrificed to greed. Was it an inevitable process – or was it engineered by self-interested elites?
Revealed: Global Anti-Money Laundering Campaign Is Failing Through Weak Financial Oversight
After nearly 25 year of failed efforts, experts still ponder how to implement an anti-money laundering regime that works.
In Brazil Protests, People Triumphed In the Streets But New Uncertainties Emerged
In response to the abusive fare increases, the recent protests in Brazil make way, once again, for direct action tactics: taking the struggle out into the streets to effectively confront private interests and recent state politics.