It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Tech Executives Say the Muslim Ban is Bad for Business — and the Country
Business leadership at Netflix, Facebook, and Apple say the ban will hurt their companies and won’t make the U.S. safer.
Apple's tax bill is going to start getting bigger
For decades, the tech giant has set up corporate structures overseas where it can get away with paying less tax than it would if it was in its home country.
Stiglitz Calls Apple’s Profit Reporting in Ireland a Fraud
The Nobel economist, Joseph Stiglitz, said U.S. tax law that allows Apple Inc. to hold a large amount of cash abroad is “obviously deficient.”
Apple Strikes $850 Million Biggest-Ever Solar Deal to Power New Campus
Apple has announced the largest commercial purchase of solar power ever.
Shady Profits: How the World’s Top Corporations Are Failing At Transparency
A new report reveals that three-quarters of the world's 124 biggest publicly traded companies don't disclose the taxes they pay in foreign countries, and dozens hide their foreign revenues altogether.
NSA Can Hack and Spy on Any iPhone Any Time
Everything you do on your iPhone may be open to NSA snooping, but Apple is claiming ignorance.
Occupy Google, Occupy Apple: Bay Area Eviction Protesters Block More Tech Buses
Dozens gathered in San Francisco on Friday for another blockade of a private tech shuttle likely belonging to Apple, while a separate blockade of a Google bus occurred across the bay in Oakland.
Why 1 in 9 of America's Biggest Companies Pay Zero Taxes
Getting to a zero percent tax rate despite turning a profit requires creative accounting — and corporate tax codes allow companies to avoid tax liability even in years when they turn a profit. 57 companies listed on the S&P 500 index last year paid zilch.
Even Google Is Doing Evil with ALEC
Quietly, Google has joined the American Legislative Exchange Council, the shadowy corporate alliance that pushes odious laws through state legislatures: cutting taxes for mega-corporations and the wealthy, privatizing schools and killing clean energy.
For Safer Factories, CEOs Are Listening to Workers on the Frontlines
The future of corporate responsibility — as the tragic Bangladeshi fire and building collapse recently demonstrated — means hearing firsthand from factory workers about their conditions.