There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
John Stumpf
Wells Fargo's Playbook: How To Rob The Average Joe and Still Retain Your Stock Options
The housing crisis, the outsourcing of American jobs, the decline in U.S. manufacturing, the politics of circus-like tricks, illusions and freakish sideshow distractions make for hungry lower classes and angry mobs at gated parking lots.
Wells Fargo, Why Are You Still Here?
If the powers that be actually stood for consumer protection and legal ethics, rules, laws, enforcement and oversight, we’d be seeing a good old fashioned perp walk like we used to with Stumpf and Sloan in ankle chains and orange jumpsuits.
Lawsuit Says Wells Fargo Auto Insurance Charges Were a Fraud
Wells Fargo said late last week it would refund about $80 million to an estimated 570,000 customers who were wrongly charged for auto insurance from 2012 to 2017, including roughly 20,000 whose vehicles were repossessed.
Wall Street’s House of Cards: Let’s Play Bankster Three Card Monte
Dear Main Street, how do I scam thee? Let me count the ways. Or should I say, “Together we’ll go far.” It’s as if the bank CEOs have regular committee meetings to discuss the protocol of the Three Card Monte trick.
Belated Valentine To Wells Fargo: How To Break Up With Your Bank
As George Bernard Shaw once wrote: “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
Mortgage Fraud Goes Hollywood: Starring Hell's Cargo, Let the Homeowner Hunger Games Begin!
“We value your time. Please hold. Together we’ll go far.” How ironic. We never imagined they’d actually go this far.
Humpty Stumpfty Had A Great Fall, Now Bankers Are Scrambling One and All
What so many are waiting for is plain old fashioned justice for all. Perp walks for Fashion Week. Orange jumpsuits all around. The time to turn the tables has come.
Wells Fargo Whistleblower: "They Are All Riding the Stagecoach to Hell"
Despite all of the fines paid to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Wells Fargo continues to deny any allegations of wrongdoing. Now a former employee is disputing that claim.
Protesters Converge on Bank of America and Wells Fargo Shareholder Meetings
Protesters chanted slogans outside the Bank of America shareholder meeting Wednesday, under the watchful gaze of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police, private security and members of the media, who far outnumbered them.