The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Supreme Court
Halt to Youth Climate Lawsuit Inspires Nationwide Resistance
The 21 youth plaintiffs of the case Juliana v. United States have been joined by thousands across the country to “keep our government accountable for the effects of climate change.”
The Unbearable Dishonesty of Brett Kavanaugh
Kavanaugh’s choice to lie about things that are easily disproved speaks to a kind of hubris, or entitlement, that befits someone of his pedigree.
The Most Important Moments From the Kavanaugh Sexual-Assault Hearing
Chuck Grassley opened the hearing by lecturing Senator Dianne Feinstein and Christine Blasey Ford on not coming forward sooner.
Hundreds Of Yale Students Protest Kavanaugh, Demand Investigation
The elite law school canceled 31 classes to help facilitate protests on campus and in Washington, D.C.
Cancel Kavanaugh: Nationwide Walkout Monday for Sexual Assault Survivors
Thousands across the country have pledged to walk out of their workplaces and schools on Monday at 1:00pm EST.
The Supreme Court Just Cleared the Way for the Mass Disenfranchisement of Voters
Large numbers of voters—largely low income and minorities—could be blocked from casting ballots in November if they haven't participated in recent elections.
Supreme Court Rules Against Workers In Arbitration Case
On Monday, the highest court slowed recent momentum to give workers – including many in the tech sector – the right to a day in court.
Act Out! [111] - How & Why the UN Fails + A Very Unhappy Birthday to Corporate Personhood
Given its backwards position on women's rights, it seems ludicrous that Saudi Arabia would get a seat on a UN Council tasked with upholding and forwarding women’s rights around the globe. But that is precisely what happened.
Act Out! [51] - How to lose a plutocracy in 60 days, March madness on the front lines
This week, grab your calendars and let's head to the front lines where we're talking everything from women's rights to Saudi ties to spring break.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Cap on Overall Campaign Contributions
The ruling allows wealthy individuals to buy unlimited influence.